Isabel Sacksteder

Ms. Isabel Sacksteder is a Ph.D. student a the University of California, Berkeley, studying experimental physics in the trapped ion quantum computing lab with Professor Hartmut Häffner. For her exchange, Isabel spent 6 weeks (Jul. 15 to Aug. 25) in the lab of Prof. Atsushi Noguchi at the University of Tokyo.

The goal of this exchange between the ARIM and CIQC networks was for Isabel to gain hands-on experience learning how to use a setup for electron trap loading using laser ablation. The Noguchi lab already uses this method for loading trapped ions and electrons for hybrid quantum computing systems, and the Haeffner lab was interested in learning this technique. Therefore, his exchange allowed the Haeffner lab gain first-hand experience before making an investment to establish it in their lab.

Now back at UC Berkeley, Isabel is using this knowledge to implement a laser ablation loading scheme in the Haeffner lab, and the exchange also gave Isabel valuable experience in international research interactions


Ellis Ainley


Antonio Manesco