Workshop on Quantum Engineering Infrastructure(WQEI)
2021 Workshop on Quantum Engineering Infrastructure (WQEI)
In April 2021 the GQL, in partnership with our partner network the NNCI, hosted the first of a series of workshops discussing the need to adapt nanofabrication infrastructure to be able to serve Quantum research purposes. These workshops aimed to create a shared base of knowledge and a set of best practices for developing infrastructure for quantum fabrication.
2024 Workshop on Quantum Engineering Infrastructure (WQEI2)
in March 2024 the GQL will hold the Second Workshop on Quantum Engineering Infrastructure. This workshop will build on the work of the WQEI and create a shared understanding of the infrastructural challenges faced by the quantum engineering community.
The WQEI2 will feature speakers and panel discussions on a range of Quantum Engineering platforms.
Future Workshops
The GQL aims to stage new workshops annually beginning in the Summer of 2023. Bookmark this page or follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter to receive news on future workshops.