About the Program
Global Quantum Leap (GQL) provides an essential linkage between the fields of nanofabrication and quantum information sciences.

GQL sits at the crossroads between nanofabrication and quantum sciences.
The GQL will help nanofabrication scientists build expertise and capabilities in supporting processes for quantum devices. These activities will apply to the broad range of quantum devices, including superconducting, Majorana, trapped ion and spin qubits, along with quantum optical communication devices. Furthermore, nanofabrication facilities which support integrated processes must always be concerned with the effects of cross-contamination. Quantum devices bring new challenges due to the need to minimize decoherence effects. The networking provided by the GQL will provide important linkages in understanding how material interactions affect quantum lifetimes.
The GQL will also help quantum physicists understand the emerging tooling (and unit process) needs of quantum devices. Such needs will span the range of materials and devices required over the different platforms. The NNCI network has a vast array of materials characterization capabilities, but quantum devices bring about new materials challenges, such as fast-turnaround cryogenic measurements, atomic-scale imaging, etc. The GQL network will act as a catalyst to familiarize the NNCI nodes with the most pressing characterization needs of the quantum community. Finally, both the NNCI and quantum networks have strong missions to educate the next generation of scientists. The proposed GQL training and educational activities will link these fields, ensuring that at this very early stage, training quantum sciences and manufacturing are closely linked.
Quantum Technology Infrastructure Roadmap (QTIR)
We plan to collaborate with industry and other experts to develop a roadmap that will help tool suppliers and process engineers understand the nanofabrication facilities requirements needed to support the broad range of quantum technologies under investigation.
International Research and Training Experience (IRTE)
These are structured exchanges open to undergrads, graduate students and postdocs to enable advanced research experiences and develop intercultural communication and teamwork skills. Our first IRTE is scheduled for summer 2022, with applications open starting in October, 2021.
Ad hoc exchanges
GQL offers opportunities for US faculty and students to travel to international sites for work on research projects of mutual interest at our partner institutions, and we can also provide support for international students and faculty within the US.
GQL will host an annual workshop and can also support speakers and coordination for a variety of workshops in international locations. For more information on opportunities, please contact us at gquantumleap@umn.edu.
Educational bootcamps will be organized in different countries each year. These will be open to students from all over the world. Students will be required to complete a Global Quantum Perspectives Webinar, which will prepare students for research interactions and research support systems in different countries.
Online Presence
The GQL is committed to supporting and promoting GQL activities, those of our international partners and overall global quantum community through social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn.